Saturday 8 October 2011

Are you kidding me?

Even FACEBOOK is bullying me now... Great, JUST GREAT! I need hugs... But its the weekend now and you are not with me =( I told my parents about the phone and what do they ask me? "HOW COME?" What kinda question is that? How to answer? " I wanted to lose my phone because I want to see if you are gonna be pissed or not?" Or "Just for fun lar... I mean I purposely lost it to see if you would get me a new one.' As though I am not upset enough... Oh no! I LOST ALL MY CONTACTS and ALL THE PHOTOS to get your BLOODY ATTENTION! With Attention = Bruises and slaps and snarky comments and mean words and scolding and humiliation. WHY NOT RIGHT? That's all I want yo! Guess what else I want? I want to CRY and SCREAM but I can't... Cause there's no one to comfort and coddle me D= I don't feel like talking, eating, feeling, reading and playing anymore... I really don't.

Friday 7 October 2011


It just gets worse doesn't it? First I went to class late AGAIN... Then I lost my only pencil. After that kena tiong by teachers for Idontevenknowwhatbutit'snotmyfault! As though that's not enough I just HAVE TO LOSE my old Nokia HANDPHONE that still uses buttons. At home, cooked the damn spaghetti dinner... my mom and dad MUST COMPLAIN! I mean MUST MAKE IT WORSE RIGHT? Bloody Hell! I haven't even told my dad... All that shit happened yesterday and now, everyone seems intent on PISSING ME OFF! I don't understand how bloody hard is it to actually ask me to lend you something BEFORE taking it... And knowing well that I HATE YOUR GUTS. Honestly, WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM? Man, I HATE COLLEGE =( Don't laugh at my problems... Don't talk to me if you are just gonna ignore whatever I say and just talk about yourself... Don't offer me STUPID ADVICE... and Don't offend me anymore or I WILL BITE!

Monday 3 October 2011

Sud's Surprise Birthday =D

So much for a surprise... The dude already knew! Went to Nando's to celebrate early, cause we gon have our finals at the end of the month yo! The waiter was a tard but oh well.... Extra Hot Quarter Chicken with Coleslaw and Peri Chips plus Coke anyone?
And what's a RS gathering without some Gays?
Didn't get to eat the Awesome Caramel Cheesecake though =( (It's okay Suds I'll Belanja next time) We did however get to the BUBBLETEA from GongCha~
Signature MILLLLLLLLLK Tea and Signature Winter Melon Tea with Bubbles =D
Went to FTZ @ Asia Cafe for Counter Strike... I SUCK! Moving on... PRESENTS!
iPhone cover and Body Glove Wallet! They MATCH... Style~
The Ferrari 458 Italia! Smoke the Potter =DDDDD
Plus since everyone got a new profile picture on facebook I also WANT :

Feel the power of Looooooooooong Straight Hair and Purple Eyeliner <3
*all pictures are taken by the DSLR except the Ferrari* Copyrighted Chinz~

Saturday 1 October 2011


Donuts from BIG Apple
Got a my little pony from McD Happy Meal 
Yes... I Braided the ass hair =D
Spaghetti from FULLHOUSE
and Idontrememberwhatthisis  from Gardens!
Been wanting to show the WIFE two things... THIS:
Orange Lamborghini 
Saw it when I was eating chicken rice at PJ ;D
and somma she'll see tomorrow.... Must remember to bring DSLR!  So long don't have Naise pics d *sigh*